Run for Hope 2019: Haziq's 1st International Run


The last time I wrote about our run together, Haziq and myself had the run back in August 2018. It was more than 7 months ago I had the so-so run.

Just having a new member in our family - the lovely Nur Dini, taking care of myself have to take a step back. I was not in the best shape. In one of the half marathons end 2018, I've ended last.

Things are considerably better nowadays. All things considered, after a lot of trial I've found that the most suitable time for me to have a good run is in the wee morning, when everyone still stuck in their beds.

This time, the both of us have the run at the Excelsior International School. So unintentionally, this will be Haziq's 1st international run. Unsurprisingly, there were some expats with their kids joining this run.

There is some collage of the nationalities of the students of the school in front of their canteen. Haziq put a lot of attention into those. One thing that pique his interest is quite strange for me.

"Abah, kalau Haziqla, tak nak la sekolah kat sini. Haziq tak tau macam mana nak cari kawan."

That should be the last thing on his mind. I don't think he have any problem in that area. Kids can make friends on a whole another level....

We got early at 7.45am at the school to have a good parking spot, and when the runners were preparing to be let off at 8.30am, both of us were in front of the pack.

The weather was considerably very hot. According to the forecast it'll last for the whole 2019? That is not good...

The road that we're heading going though a lot of undulating hilly road. The distance isn't that far, but with the hill and the heat, it took a lot from most of the casual runners. Even before we reached the 1km mark, the runs had transformed to walks.

One of the good thing about this run that it able to choose roads that have less traffic. The first junction that we took turn around into the quarry. The road is a private road. The only thing that the runners have to be careful is the uphill slippery gravel road.

Haziq stopped a lot this time. He isn't properly acclimatized with the running situation yet this year. He either stops for a drink, or having problems with his itchy thighs due to the sweats.

I'm already in the walking mode after the 3km mark. Haziq left me behind since then. He was always 500m in front of me all the time.

At the finish line, Haziq surprised me. He was actually feeling very irritable with himself. He felt that he should be doing better.

"Tak adil la abah. Kenapa Haziq penat sangat..."

He was actually very pushy with me throughout the run since the start until the end.

"Abah, jomla pergi kat depan starting line."
"Abah, kenapa perlahan sangat abah lari ni?"
"Abah, kenapa berjalan pula ni?"
"Abah, cepatla sikit kejar Haziq."

"Abah letihla Haziq. Dah lama tak berlari. Kalau berlatih pun lari dekat aje, 2km. Perut abah pun dah besar ni..."

Yes, Haziq. Life isn't fair.

Kalau dulu abah cekeding jer, sekarang makan separuh serving pun berat badan tak turun.


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