Mid Valley Southkey Charity 5km Run 2024 – Running Together Again


Back to Running After the Pandemic

After a long hiatus, the Midvalley Charity 5km Run is back, and this year’s event felt even more special for me. It's been a while since the running event in JB was as bustling as before after the pandemic to be exact. This is the 2nd edition of the event which the last we joined we had joined was back in 2022. A lot has changed since then, but the excitement of running with my son, Haziq, has remained the same.

Early Morning Start

The day started early, with runners gathering as early as 6:30 am. We arrived at around 6:24 am, just in time to stretch for the Zumba session and mentally prepare ourselves for the run. By 7:00 am, the run had officially begun, and you could feel the energy in the air. With 2,500 participants, the start was pretty packed.

Haziq, full of energy as always, was bugging me to pick up the pace right from the start. But with the crowd around us, I decided to take it slow for the first 500 meters.

On the Route

Once the crowd thinned out a bit, we got into a rhythm. The road was busy but manageable, and by the 2 km mark, there was a much-needed water station. Grabbing a quick drink was essential as I could already feel my energy draining—not quite what it used to be, especially with such a big crowd!

The U-turn came at the 3 km point, and while I was still pacing myself, Haziq was way ahead. By the time I reached 3 km, Haziq had already crossed the finish line, which was impressive and humbling!

Finishing Strong... Eventually!

With a bit more determination, I eventually reached the finish line. Though the legs were feeling heavier than they used to, there was something deeply satisfying about completing this run.

Unfortunately, the line to collect the goodies bag was insanely long. After a few minutes, I decided it wasn’t worth the wait. The joy of crossing the line was reward enough.

Next Week – The Real Challenge Awaits

While the 5km run was a great warm-up, the real test is just around the corner. Haziq and I are gearing up for a 21km half marathon next week at Medini. It’s going to be a massive challenge, but after today’s run, I’m feeling ready for it… or at least as ready as I can be!


The Midvalley Charity 5km Run was more than just a race for me—it was a reminder of how far we’ve come since the pandemic and how special it is to share these moments with family. Running with Haziq, seeing him push himself, and knowing we’re supporting a good cause made every step worth it.

Here’s to many more runs in the future!


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