Langkawi SkyCab: Boleh Tahan Penatnya...

Having a holiday in Langkawi is a no-brainer. 

My first memory in Langkawi was when as a kid, picking out the beras terbakar from the legendary Padang Matsirat. As adult, the most recent was when I've went for some contract work just after the MCO lifted.

Always the forever holiday planner, Iqbal volunteered to organized our family trip to Langkawi at the end of the year. We all managed to arrive on the island, regardless of the hassle the pandemic posed.

This time, he'll bring us all to the Langkawi SkyCab. Iqbal had bought the tickets online. He able to get them cheap, plus we don't have to line up for the tickets. 

As we found out, the extra being forked out for the Express Lane tickets really worth it. We could immediately, cut off the zig-zag normal line up to hop on the gondola of the cable cars.

The way up to the 1st base is the steepest. If you prone to feel woozy, this will be the time. Especially when the wind blows heavily and the gondola waving ever so slightly to the left and right. The climb was so steep that you'll feel the air pressure changes pushing your ear drums for several times.

Freaking out in the gondola is a given.

The scenery at the 1st base station is surprisingly great. You'll immediately feel the changes in the air quality as the cool breeze touches your face. 

Not long we hopped back again into the gondolas for the main event of the Langkawi Cable Car - the 2nd base stop.

Once you touch the 2nd base, you'll feel the difference compared to the 1st base immediately. While the 1st base was just a temporary stop, the 2nd base was packed with tourist.

There are 2 main attractions here on top. Number one is the top post of the SkyCab. And number two will be the Sky Bridge - the suspension bridge on top of the chasm of the valley.

Getting to the Sky Bridge will have you to climb down 114 stairs. The stone stairs are steep. It'll take you approximately 30 minutes. It'll hurt your knees if you not careful.

If you're lucky, the jungle monkeys will blocked the pathways.

If you find that daunting, the alternative would be the SkyGlide. It is a mini train that'll bring you to descend to the SkyBridge without breaking any sweat.

There are 2 caveats though. The tickets are separate from the SkyCab's. Another is the fact that the queuing line moves crawlingly snail-slow. 

Abah is having problem with vertigo. I chose to bring him down to the SkyBridge with SkyCab while the rest of the younglings were using the stairs.

The Skybridge is a 125m long curved suspension bridge. According to the official site, it is the longest of its kind. Getting the building materials on top of the jungle via coppers without disturbing the nature was its main priority.

Being a suspension bridge, the structure is susceptible to slight waving when the wind is strong enough. 

Or in our groups experience, when 2 large men were in the opposite side of the bridge. Both walked slowly due to gayat, created a mini pendulum effect on the bridge. 

There was also another interesting experience on the bridge. While we're walking towards the end, we were being followed by the maintenance contractor for the bridge.

"Pylon nombor 6 kena repair ni. Part yang tu pun kena repair," while at the same time pointing to the suspension bridge cables.

Dark humor...

The travel to descend back to the foot of the hill was faster than climbing up in the beginning. The gondola didn't stop at the 1st base. It travel direct from the 2nd base to the foot of the hill.

All of these took us almost a day. Started the journey at 11am, by the we're back on the ground it was already 4pm. Unfortunately, it was at this moment that I had to throw in the towel. The 2 girls were exhausted, and Dini already started to drop her head on my shoulder.

There are in fact several more attractions that already included in our tickets. The place exudes a hip scene. Instead of just having one attraction which is the cable car, they build much more attractions at the bottom of the hill.

Some of us stayed to experience some of them. 

There is the newly opened Petting Zoo.

And there is the 3D Art Museum.

To fully enjoy every attraction, 1 day would be too short. Spending another day here would be the best. 

To have the blue skyline on top of the hill would mean you also have to bear the heat. But it'll be worth it.

As we drove back, the kids already at their last drop of energy. For Haziq, Darwisyah, and Dini, these will be their 1st great memory of the legendary Langkawi Island.


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