I Hate My Assignment

Have you ever went to an gathering event and out of nowhere you found yourself to be out of place? You barely knew anyone and your eyes working in overdrive to find any familiar faces. You'll be the wallflower in the boisterous party, hoping for the nightmare to end. 

Right now I have the same feeling in completing my current course assignment.

When I started the course last year, the 1st daunting challenge was to write the assignments was the length of the papers. It is required to be in the range of 3000 to 5000 words. I've not really accustomed to write lengthy written papers, so seeing the numbers - I was like Whoa!

After a while, I've found out that my worries are unfounded. Naturally, you'll reached the length required without even trying. It is just the average length of a healthy assignment papers.

But for this term's paper, I've found another challenge. Facing a topic that you're not familiar with, the assignment will really throw a curve ball at you. I often frustrate with myself in getting the correct sources. I'm so out of depth that I even have to ask others help to complete the papers.

Because the topic is about fashion.

I guess I took for granted the topics that I have to discussed in my papers so far. I was able to dabble in my favorite industry in my last papers - the automotive industry. 

Why this industry is my favorite? It'll be a long list. In short, there are 4 main reasons:

1) Cars are the classic men's toys.

2) One of the main indicators of the economy is the automotive industry.

3) Automotive industry is the technology pioneer for the masses, both in the production sense and also in the consumers sense. 

4) It is a fine line in the balancing act in offering the best product vs offering the best value to the consumers.

So in all of my previous 4 papers that I had done, I was in complete control of my element. I know where to get the verified resources, and have the know-how in connecting the dots completing the discussions.

It is a complete 180 degree turns when it come to fashion. 

I know zilch about fashion. My wardrobe consists of jeans, t shirts, and short pants. Throw in some running gears and it'll be complete.

When it comes to wearing proper clothing to events, my other half is the one that dictate them for me.

I'm color bind when it comes to fashion. Fashion is, mostly about vanity and consumerism.

Fashion isn't an industry that heavily regulated. It doesn't have a body that specifically looks into the industry. Even getting the basic information such as the market share gave me a headache. The slightly accurate answer that I could find will require me to pay RM1000 for the subscription fee.


I don't know what the consumers searching for in fashion, thus getting the correct vibe for the fashion trends is a grueling task. As on outsider, I feel that the different segments in the fashion industry is also very diverse and ambiguous. 

But I do still need to pass the subject. So I had to slug it out even though I really hate it.

I've got to get creative in knitting the ideas to be more concrete in answering the discussions. While Google is always the place to go, knowing what to search for in the beginning is crucial. Jumbling the search words helps. I have to really look into the trail of bread crumbs in building the argument and discussions for the paper.  

And of course, hand over some of the idea building blocks to Dahlia - who is more fashionable by a whole yard than me.

"Tanyala kat Umi. Kan Umi tau pasal fashion ni...."

And I know that she will brag about it for years to come. 

I hate my assignment.


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