Ultron Iskandar Puteri New Year 2020: Haziq's 1st Run of the Decade

Getting signed up in this new year run is actually a big mistake. It was never my intention to have weekly back to back run, having the TUFR last week. I only realized too late after checking the calendar after completed the registration.

The location of the event is also posed a problem. We have to be there at 6.30am. But in between driving 42km to the starting point and having to wake up Haziq is a perfect formula for disaster.

We were very late at the flagged off. When we're arrived, the runners already being flagged off 20 minutes earlier.

Geram betul saya.

Haziq had a earful from me in the car, having dilly dallying waking up preparing in the morning.

Not a great start for the new decade.

Ini budak, berlengah-lengah bangun tidur...

But the lady luck sure shines on us.

We are not the only one late arrived. There were a lot more family couples that shared our own misfortune of mistiming.

We are also both not bad runners. Haziq is an accomplished 5k runner. We both managed to cut off all the casual runners that already panting off walking at the 2km mark.

The decade sure bring a dark cloud with it.

Malaysia's economy is slumping.

Hello Kitty Theme Park in memory...

Globally, the US had managed to outdo themselves by escalating their fight to Iran. World War 3 is trending currently.

Earth's global warming have rear its ugly head. Australia have being in literal hell for the past 3 months.

Not everyone will survive the new decade in one piece. Only the fittest will survive.

Having learned the lesson in the past 5 years, I'm more confident to face the new decade and survive without a scratch.

Bersatu kita maju!Bersatu!Doploh! Doploh! 


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