Pasir Gudang November Run: Haziq 1st 5km Run

Ever since Haziq had got his first running medal, he is adamant that he want another. He is very enthusiastic with his medal, he even brags about his first medal with his atok.

He would swing his medal from time to time with at the same time asking me, “Abah, when will we have the next run?”

So it will only be fitting that he has his first really challenging run – a 5km fun run.

This run is being organized by the Pasir Gudang Pusat Bandar. Being close at home is a huge bonus.

Another added bonus is that Zainudin is also bringing his whole family to this run. So Haziq does have someone that he can relate to during the run.

The 5km fun run was not the only category that they have. Just 10 minutes after the 7km runners being released, we’re ready to start the run. It does seem that there were a lot more 5km runners compared to 7km.

There were families, kids, and also parents bringing their kids in strollers.

It was a great cool morning, with the smooth breeze of 25°C. We had each of us a 100 Plus drinks and before long Haziq started to have his stops for drinks.

In fact I was very proud on how he endured this run. For 7 years old, running for 2km straight will be more than tiring. But every time he stops, I urged him to run back without fail. But not without complain of course.

“Abah, letihlaaa….”

“Abah, kaki Haziq gatal-gatal laaaa….”

“Abah, bagi air. Nak minum.”

While most of his small talks is bearable, there was his complain about the distance that I can’t even comprehend.

“Abah, berapa jauh lagi kita nak lari?”

“Dua point dua kilometer lagi, Haziq.”

“Apa point, Abah? Tak fahamla.”

“Huh? OKla, Haziq. Tinggal lagi 2km lagi Haziq.”

And after a while he started to lose his cool.

“Abah, berapa meter lagi kita nak kena lari?”

“Tinggal satu ribu lima ratus meter lagi, Haziq.”

“Hah?! Macam mana tadi dua sekarang satu ribu pulak?”

“Dah tu, Haziq tanya berapa meter. Abah jawabla. Kalau kilometer, sekarang tingal satu point lima kilometer, Haziq.”

Upon hearing that, his steam is off the chart.

“Apalah abah ni?! Kan dua dengan satu ribu tu kan tak sama? Tak fahamla Haziq!” waving his hand vigorously.

It was just his abah way to tease his little boy, chuckling inside….

Haziq managed to finish the run but not without taking a nasty tumble just in front of the finishing line, ripped his track pants in the process.

But kids are made from elastic rubber. Just moments after that, he asked me:

“Abah, bila kita nak lari lagi ni?”


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