JPB Charity Walk 2017: Larian Keriangan Oktober

A fun run is an oxymoron event in a sense. You don't associate run with fun. Usually we will relate it to distance, tiring, time exhaustive, but never fun. Anything but fun.

But what if you ran the event not because of yourself?

What if you ran because somebody else? Your kid perhaps? Then it will be a different equation altogether...

My wall of hanging running medals have always captured both of the kid's fascination. Haziq usually will be the first to play with them. Darwisyah will follow. Most of the time, it'll be some fight because Darwisyah will always want the medal that Haziq is wearing.

I found that Haziq's fascination with the medals is quite interesting. Moreover, I found one time he actually joined me one time during my evening run.  

Maybe he'll be interested to earn his own medal?

I found that the JPB Charity Walk on 7th October to be aligned perfectly for both of us to run together.

On the Saturday morning, when we went to Padang Layang-layang Pasir Gudang I thought it would only be a small event. I'm completely off the mark when there were more than 500 walkers together with their families (some with babies) that already at the main stage.

Haziq was unsurprisingly very excited and upbeat with the run.

"Abah, bila nak mula lari ni?" when it was clear that we were doing warming up with some

There had been some changes to the route of the event. Instead of taking the run to the roads, the organizer had been very wise by moving it only to the inside running path of the park.

Regardless of the reason that they had given - due to some road repairs, by moving the run just to inside the running path of the park, they had given so much priority to the safety of the participants. Especially that most of the runners/walkers were with the families and small kids.

It didn't took long before Haziq started asking, "Abah, jauh lagi ke?"

"Mestila jauh lagi. Ingat senang ke nak dapat pingat?"

There were stops along the way, but he always resumes back. Never to give especially when his abah will always goaded him. He really dislike losing. Not to his abah.

At last when we completed the run, it was just 2.3km - not 3km that I had expected. Nevertheless, at least Haziq was satisfied. From the look of it, he doesn't really can last after that.

It was a good run for him. And a proud moment for me.

Haziq, nak lari 5km lepas ni?


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