Steps in Hong Kong

19,800 STEPS: 12.2km - Day 1

Travelling overseas is addictive. My siblings were exposed to the wonders of the outside world from the travelling stories by my father when we were kids. The books that he wrote were engaging in his own ways that it enthralled us into the paving our own adventures.

But it was back in 2007 that my perspective changes about travelling overseas. Instead of opting for the touring package, travelling on our own seems to be the better experience altogether. 

Backpacking they say. Iqbal pulled me into these whole new possibilities when we’re backpacking to Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto back in 2007 for the whole 14 days.

Look how thin we were back then...

And it is seriously addictive.

15,500 STEPS: 9.7km - Day 2

After months planning, we opted to go to Hong Kong this year. What makes it special is that this trip is the sibling’s trip. Rahimah was unfortunate because she was stuck with work (boooo!), but we managed to round up the rest – myself, Iqbal and Rosman are on board.

In short, it was an exhausting trip. Backpacking always does. Especially if you’re walking with Iqbal. He is one hell of a fast walker.

When we arrived at our apartment, it was such a relief. 

We were having difficulties with our flight – opting to depart from Singapore wasn’t the best idea. And we can only get in the apartment on 2.00pm. So totally we were out for more than 12 hours before we could rest our laurels.

This whole trip takes us around Hong Kong day and night, mostly on trains and walking.

21,600 STEPS: 13.4km - Day 3

Oh, and by the way Haziq was also joining this small motley crew. 

I had to bring the stroller just in case. Dahlia and I immediately found that Hong Kong is not stroller friendly even though they have a great MRT network.

Carrying it was one whole burden by itself. Especially when you’re climbing a 100 steps stair.

16,200 STEPS: 10.1km - Day 4

I was caught napping more than once. My body automatically log off whenever possible. This even continues two weeks after we’re touching home.

9,600 STEPS: 6.0km - Day 5

But does I have any regrets?

Of course not! We already planned for our next adventure!

Like I said, backpacking is addictive!  

Total 82,700 STEPS: 51.4km 


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