Spart (Sports and Arts) Carnival Run 2017: The DaBiDaBiDu Run

It is quite fortunate that the Johorean already caught up with the running fever. While 5 years back ago, most of the running event ONLY happening in KL, it is quite common to have running event here in Johor Bahru every month.

I just have to select carefully which one that’ll suit me.

That made me ended up with the Spart Run 2017. Every step is a beat. That is their tagline. What really got my attention is their shirt design. There is this pair of running shoes hanging from the collar.

What can I say? I’m a simple man!

This run is being organized by the Brass Band Club of Sultan Ibrahim Girls School. I’m not from JB, but it seems SIGS is this very elite girl’s school. Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi. Saw it before hand when I was getting the running kit.

Their school field is waaaaay better than what I’m had during my secondary school. And I’m from a boarding school. That is in a way says a lot.

In a way, by running this 10km run on this 11th March Saturday morning I’m skipping my company’s team building getaway. Not sure whether it was worth it or not, but for a lot of the Johoreans it was. Because there was sure a hell lot of them in morning of the run at the Educity Stadium.

The last run for me was the Melawati 10km back in January and it was a great run. Unfortunately, I got into some bout of gastric a couple of months after that, so getting into shape for this run was not the main priority.
The early start of the run after warming to some dance was pretty exhilarating to say the least. They even have the drum band team at the starting line. Plus some of the students to throw these colored powders to spice things up I presume.

The first 5km was pretty OK for me. It was the usual distance that I wouldn’t sweat about. But going further after that was pretty much going south.

It was getting very hot even though we’re started very early at 7am. I’m very surprised at how quickly the temperature raised. Not helping when there were little to none tree shades along the running route.

The locations of the drink stop were not helping either. While I’m still considerably hydrated in the first 5km, not getting any drink stop with the raising temperature in the first 5km was torture.

That was why I just decided to start walking at 7km.

The sun was blaring its heat through my head and my neck. The only way for me to get comfortable through the last 3km was by wrapping my sweat towel around my head. Surprisingly it was windy enough to make the walk comfortable.

I managed to get to the finish line after walking through a lot of roundabouts and u-turns. The good thing was that I didn’t get any foot cramps or knee sore because I knew that I would have to walk a lot of steps next week when I’m going to the Hong Kong trip next week.

Every step is a beat! Go SIGS!


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