Melawati Run 2017: The Unexpected Comeback

I thought that I was only a bit rusty on running. It came out that the rust already creaking hard needing a lot of WD40 to ease out the red rust. 

The last run that I joined was back in middle 2016 when I was running for the Bukit Jalil Half Marathon. It proved to be a total disaster when I didn’t even finished the run, with both my legs busted only at 8km. It was then when I start to evaluate my life decision with all this running.

So this Melawati Run 2017 will be the first run for me for a very long time. The main factoring that made me joined this run is because Iqbal is joining it too. He have never skipped this local run since 2013. At least I have someone running together.

The thunderous heavy raining in the wee morning before the run seems setting the tone for the run.

Fortunately, by the time we’re at the starting line, the rain already subsided. We started the run with the cool breeze from the morning rain.

From the years back when I started joining the runs with Iqbal, I only able to edge him on 2 occasions. His physical self seems to defy the physics at every turn which I’m myself as an engineer always being confounded. 

At the blowing horn, I said this to Iqbal:
“Jom race!”

And off he went with his pudgy end whistling in and out from the crowd. He really take it serious. In minutes, he already off from my sight.

One of the main reason that I’m on running sabbatical last year was that my knee and ankle kept busted during the run. Whatever the reasons are, may it due to lack of training or because of my age - the experience left a bitter taste in my mouth whenever it happens. In the last two half marathons that I joined, I didn’t even finished the run. I got be prepared this year.

There was a lot of new road and building development along the way. As ever, the run management team was adequately prepared for this year as they had been consistently being organizing this event from 2012.

At 3km mark, lo and behold – it was someone that I knew. Iqbal seems to be struggling with his run. He does pick up a lot of spare tires after his wedding.

Tiada kesian untuk budak ni

As the ever excellent brother, I left him to himself…

This Melawati Run has a special place the running places that I have been. The relatively small local running event has the hills that will challenge you throughout the route. I have never run this run without stopping for stops. 

And then come 2017.

I managed to complete the whole run without stop to catch my breath except for the drink stops for 200m at the 8km hilly mark. This proves to be a very big thing for someone who always busted both of his legs at every run that he went to.

This is also my test bed for future runs. These are what I found:
  • I’ll distraction from the run at 4km with the music.
  • My body will start craving for drinks at 5km.
  • My legs can withstand at 80% level only at 8km mark.

My pace for the run which seems to be main issue seems to be improved. I could pace myself to increase my pain threshold. This is the success factor that I have to improved if I ever want to run for any half marathons.

A full 10 minutes.

I had managed to beat Iqbal for a full 10 minutes. Well, he does a lot of excuses.
“Dah lama tak larilaaaa”
“Baru lepas kahwinlaaa”

For all I care, I will savor this win.

Muka orang kalah lain dengan muka orang menang

Iqbal will have to hear my boasting for as long he beat me again.



Or so I thought.....

Iqbal's comeback came in the most unexpected way ever. While I was perusing the weekend newspaper, there was an article about this Melawati Run. Lo and behold, there was someone's figure that I'll knew.

He does got the last laugh.

"Jeles lettew"

Damn. (-_-)


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