Pagi yang Kartun

"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am product of my decisions."

My daily morning routine have changed recently. Instead of being the one responsible to send Darwisyah to the nursery, I have to switch with Dahlia to send Haziq to his kindergarten. Ergo, there will be a lot of drama in the morning. Most of the time both of us will arrive late to his place and mine.

This time it was comical...

Haziq was with his usual mood waking up in the morning. Looking gloomy and bitter.

After finishing my morning run, I could see that he was somewhat troubled.

"Sakit telinga...." he said meekly while holding his right ear.

Getting him to have some breakfast and getting the bath was the same old drama. Still he was quite fixated about his ear.

After getting into the car towards his place, the situation started to unfold becoming a farce.

Suspected that it was just a case of internal ear pressure, I told him to sing loudly and applying pressure to his ear by pressing his earlobe. To get him doing it, I demonstrated it to him. For a long 10 minutes, it was like a circus in the car. Fortunately, the car is perfectly sound proof from outside.

5 minutes more before arriving at his place, the situation doesn't changed. He was still not comfortable with his ear. That makes me have another though.

What if the pain is real? Just because Haziq failed to convey it doesn't mean that he didn't felt it.

Since I do had some cases which I ignored the signs until it was a little bit too late, this time I guess I have to take the bitter pill and bail on today's work.

"Takpela Haziq. Hari ni kita pi klinik dulu periksa telinga, baru abah hantar Haziq pi school."

So I turned the car around heading to our home.

5 minutes before arriving home...

"Abah, telinga Haziq dah OK. Tak sakit."

"Huh?! Apa ni Haziq..... Betul dah tak sakit ni?"

"Betul abah. Haziq nak pi school."

So I have to turn back my car around his place. Again.

"Haziq, pagi ni kita macam kartun la"

"Kartun?" Obviously he didn't grasped the meaning of the words string together as a expression.

I arrived 20 minutes late to work and have to apologized to the team members during the morning briefing making them wait all this time.

We both are idiots. Sorry.


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