Medini Half Marathon: Haziq’s Debut

Running has always been a special part of my life, especially since Haziq started joining me on the circuit at the age of 8. We began with short runs, and he worked his way up from a 2km fun run to regular 5km races. However, my collection of half marathon medals and race shirts had always intrigued him. His curiosity soon turned into determination, and he kept bugging me to let him participate in a half marathon.

Muka mengantuk...

Finally, the Medini Half Marathon became his debut race. The event was set to start at 4 AM, which meant an early rise. We woke up at 2 AM to ensure enough time for the one-hour drive to the event area, located at Medini Mall, not far from Legoland. By the time we arrived, runners were already gathering, and we were greeted by ample parking and the buzz of excitement.

As the clock struck 4 AM, the race began. I admit, I wasn’t fully prepared for this half marathon—my training consisted mostly of short runs the past week—but I was hoping for the best. At the start, Haziq ran beside me, but I could tell he was getting impatient with my slower pace. By the 2km mark, he shot ahead at his own pace, leaving me to my thoughts and my own rhythm.

This race offered a few pleasant surprises. First, the water stations were well-placed, appearing every 3km to keep runners hydrated. Every kilometer marker was clearly indicated, making it easy to track progress. The majority of runners I encountered were pacing themselves like I was, making for a comfortable race atmosphere.

The plastic cup management should be better...

My target was simple: maintain a steady 10min/km pace (yes, I’m that slow!) for 2.5 hours. My strategy revolved around reaching the 15km mark, where a tent had been set up for the Suboh prayer. If I could get there by 6:30 AM, I’d be in the prayer’s window. I stuck to my plan, and thankfully, I arrived right on time to perform my prayers.

Sembahyang dulu

After praying, I checked my phone and was floored to see a message from Haziq. He had already finished the race! I couldn't believe it. His youthful energy and determination had carried him across the finish line far earlier than expected.

The last stretch of the race was tough for me. After the 15km mark, I could feel my muscles burning, and it only got worse after the brief pause for prayers. I started alternating between running and walking each kilometer, pushing myself through the final few kilometers. Around this time, I was joined on the route by the 10km and 5km runners, whose races had started later, adding a fresh wave of energy to the course.

Finally, I crossed the finish line just in time—right at the 4-hour cut-off. Exhausted but relieved. Haziq, on the other hand, was proof that sometimes raw talent and determination can trump preparation. He had completed his first half marathon in basic running shoes, without any fancy gear, though by the end he was waddling like a penguin!

For me, this race was a mixed bag. I was proud to have finished, but I knew I could have prepared better. Thankfully, there’s always another race, and with a half marathon coming up next month in October, I’m already looking forward to improving. As for Haziq, his debut performance was inspiring—I can’t wait to see how he continues to develop as a runner!


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